JUDICIARY Latest Features

Civil Division Embarks on Annual Case Census
An officer entering files at Civil Division

At the 21st Annual Judges Conference, one of the recommendations made was the need to harmonize the data captured under Court Case Administration System (CCAS) and the Court manual records.

Against this background, the Civil Division has decided to utilize the first two weeks of the Court Vacation to carry a physical file count and tally with the automated record in CCAS.

The Civil Division Deputy Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, explained that every year,the Division undertakes this exercise to "clean up the system".  She added that with this exercise, they are able to identify files, which have not been updated in the system. "It also helps us to balance the work load among the Judges".

HW Langa said they had constituted teams made up of clerks and IT personnel to ensure the census is a success.

She said such an exercise was a platform for the Division leadership to identify dormant or non-starter files for weeding out as well as plan for the next session.

In the different chambers where the census was being carried out, every clerk had an automated list of pending cases before each Judicial Officer and  physical files which they are using to ensure the two "speak to each other".

According to CCAS record, Civil Division has 3,941 cases pending.

Posted 21st, July 2020
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